
e.g. The bank teller spotted the funny money in the man's deposit almost immediately. 银行出纳人员立即发现那个人存款用的是假钞。 e.g. He was caught passing funny money thro...

1. NEVER allow anyone else to have control of your bank account, either whilst in the UK or after you have left 别让其他人控制你的银行账号,不管是你在英国期间还是离开英国之...

2. pain in neck 字面意思:脖子疼;实际意思:令人讨厌的人或事。 汉语中有不少意思相近的词语:眼中钉,肉中刺,芒刺在背,如鲠在喉,如坐针毡……总之表示让人感觉十分难受。 例句 Her new boyfriend is a real pain in the neck. 她的新任男友真的很令人讨厌。

along with the People’s Bank of China and other agencies concerned, has been coordinating and acting on the DSSI in a proactive and comprehensive manner. Up till now, the China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Export-Import Ban...

The Thematic Forum on Financial Connectivity during the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held in Beijing on April 25, 2019. The subforum was organized by the Ministry of Finance and the People’s Bank of China. Liu Kun, ...

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